Top 4 Android Apps to stay Away from in 2020

Georgia Elvis
3 min readAug 1, 2020
Top 4 Android Apps to stay Away from in 2020
Image Credits — CSO Online

Hacking is not a easy topic that should be taken for granted! Anyone can go on Google, install a program and hack someone, right? Well, it always sounds easy though! There are various people starting and are curious as the famous security quote goes:

“My crime is that of curiosity”

Today I will be sharing 4 Android hacking apps that you need to avoid at all costs and make sure they are NOT installed on your smartphone.

Why would you install these anyway?

Well, these are classed as apps that can let you hack someone elses smartphone! Don’t get me wrong they work but they are only good for when used with consent. There is a difference when it comes to abuse of power.

They offer quick solutions to hacking into someones phone using technologies such as RAT (Remote Administration Tools) and Spyware.

Let’s have a look at what these apps are!

There is a catch!

4 Apps You Need to Know to Stay Away from if you don’t know what your doing

1 — Zanti

Another popular addition which you need to be careful about before installation is Zanti! It is used to brute force networks by finding active vulnerabilities that it can exploit to gain access to a network. This can again get you in trouble if you misuse this to harm a business network etc.

2 — cSploit

This is literally a copy of the famous WireShark for Linux and Windows. It is designed to capture network traffic that includes critical packets UDP and TCP over http which is not secure. It can capture logins and passwords which may lead to your WiFi being hacked with vulnerabilities.

3 — Android Remote Administration Tool

AndroRAT Binder is very famous for being a RAT app which was built on Java and it is free! However, it is quite advance on the capabilities it can do as it takes full control of the users phone. You may download this thinking that you will hack and get access to a friends or family members phone but you know what? You may get infected yourself! I know its bitter but that is the true fact! Always be careful of the source of the APK file or IPA file that you install.

These are hard to detect once they get in! Antivirus evasion techniques are implemented by these to do exactly that!

Compatibility Update: The developer has now released AndroRAT for Windows 10, this means that you no longer need an Android phone to use it. It has a sleek new design and remote-access capabilties.

4 — WiFiPhisher

This is an app that creates a fake access point so that it can trick users of a true access point in beleiving that this is there network and boom! It works just like phishing instead of having a fake web page it captures it when someone connects with it using the WPA password and it keeps a copy of that.

You can unwilingly install this and for a joke trick users of a corporate environment in entering their credentials. NOT GOOD.

This can land you in a lot of trouble with the Law enforcement.

This article has just been updated on 18 November 2020 to reflect a new release from one of the developers of the programs above.

Provide feedback below if you like this list of appys to stay away from, any suggestions are welcome!



Georgia Elvis

A female InfoSec Evangelist who craves for security more then food — That’s what I think atleast. Here you will find my thoughs on security and some juicy info!